
With authData, you can send a JSON object with any configuration or authentication parameters from the client app to the dialog script. For example, you may want to pass user’s credentials, device ID or other data required by your dialog script logic.

Unlike visual state that has a dynamic nature and can be altered at any moment of the dialog session with the setVisualState() method, authData is sent only once, when the Alan AI SDK connects to the dialog script. For this reason, you should use it to share static device- or user-specific data. On the dialog script side, the passed data is accessible through Alan AI’s p.authData runtime object.

In the example below, a user’s token is sent from the client app to the dialog script. The token is written to Alan AI Studio logs when a new dialog session with the user is started.

Dialog script
onCreateUser(p => {
    console.log(`A user has connected with token ${p.authData.token}`);
Client app
// Specifying a user's token in the app
var userToken = {
  "token": "demo"

var alanBtnInstance = alanBtn({
  // Passing the token
  authData: userToken,
  onCommand: function(commandData) {
    if (commandData.command === "go:back") {}
  rootEl: document.getElementById("alan-btn")
Client app
// Passing the token with dataObject
AlanConfig* config = [[AlanConfig alloc] initWithKey:@"YOUR_KEY_FROM_ALAN_STUDIO_HERE" dataObject:@{@"token":@"demo"}];

/// Init the Alan AI button
self.button = [[AlanButton alloc] initWithConfig:config];
Client app
class ViewController: UIViewController {

  fileprivate var button: AlanButton!
  override func viewDidLoad() {

  fileprivate func setupAlan() {
    // Passing the token with dataObject
    let config = AlanConfig(key: "YOUR_KEY_FROM_ALAN_STUDIO_HERE", dataObject: ["token":"demo"])
    self.button = AlanButton(config: config)
Client app
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

  override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    /// Specifying a user's token in the app
    val authData = JSONObject()
    try {
      authData.put("token", "demo")
    } catch (e: JSONException) {
      e.message?.let { Log.e("AlanButton", it) }

    /// Passing the token with DataObject
    val config = AlanConfig.builder().setProjectId("YOUR_KEY_FROM_ALAN_STUDIO_HERE").setDataObject(authData).build()
    alanButton = findViewById(
Client app
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    /// Specifying a user's token in the app
    JSONObject authData = new JSONObject();
    try {
      authData.put("token", "demo");
    } catch (JSONException e) {
      Log.e("AlanButton", e.getMessage());

    /// Passing the token with DataObject
    AlanConfig config = AlanConfig.builder().setProjectId("YOUR_KEY_FROM_ALAN_STUDIO_HERE").setDataObject(authData).build();
    alanButton = findViewById(;
Client app
_MyHomePageState() {
  /// Specifying a user's token in the app
  var authData = jsonEncode({"token":"demo"});
  /// Passing the token with authJson
  AlanVoice.addButton("YOUR_KEY_FROM_ALAN_STUDIO_HERE", authJson: authData);
Client app
<alan-button #alanBtnEl [authData]="authData" alan-key="YOUR_KEY_FROM_ALAN_STUDIO_HERE"></alan-button>

export class AuthPage {
  public authData: string = JSON.stringify({ token: 'demo' });
  @ViewChild('alanBtnEl', { static: false }) alanBtnComponent: ElementRef<HTMLAlanButtonElement>;
Client app
render() {
  /// Passing the token
  <AlanView projectid={'YOUR_KEY_FROM_ALAN_STUDIO_HERE'} authData={{"token":"demo"}}/>