Alan AI Platform

The Alan AI Platform is a comprehensive solution for creating generative AI agents. It offers a complete suite of tools and components to design, embed and host AI agents within your apps. The platform comprises the following major components:

Alan AI Studio

Alan AI Studio is a web-based IDE designed for developers to write dialog scripts for AI agents. It offers a variety of tools for building, testing and deploying AI agents, including:

Alan AI SDKs

Alan AI SDKs enable you to seamlessly integrate AI agents into apps and websites. Alan AI supports a variety of platforms and frameworks:

When Alan AI is integrated into the app, a small draggable button is added to the top of the app’s UI. This button allows users to bring up the Alan AI Chat or activate a voice AI agent, start and end dialog sessions and indicates the processing state.

Once integration is complete, there is no need to rebuild or alter the app. To enhance the AI agent, you need to update the dialog script in Alan AI Studio. All changes are applied in real time, eliminating the need for users to restart the app to access the latest features.

Alan AI Cloud

The Alan AI Cloud serves as the backend for the Alan AI platform, leveraging cutting-edge AI technologies, such as Large Language Models (LLMs), generative AI and semantic search. Within the Alan AI Cloud, Alan AI provides and manages the infrastructure required to keep AI agents operational and execute all data processing tasks.

Alan AI offers several deployment options:

  • SaaS

  • Private cloud/on-premises

The Alan AI infrastructure is designed to be highly scalable, capable of supporting millions of users as business requirements grow. The platform automatically provisions resources to handle the necessary workloads.