Integrate in minutes, not days
No matter which development environment or language you pick for your solution, Alan AI has got you covered. The integration process is easy and quick and usually takes less than 5 minutes.
Speed up the integration process
Integrating with Alan AI is a breeze. With just a few simple steps, you will have the Alan AI Chat or voice-based agent up and running in your website or app.

Benefit from cross-platform support
We support a broad range of languages and frameworks, including React, Angular, Vue, Swift, Kotlin, Flutter, React Native, Ionic and more. Choose your preferred programming tools with no concern for compatibility.
Deliver real-time updates
There is no need to re-deploy with each new feature or update - Alan AI applies all changes on the fly. Continuously improve your conversational experience without any disruption and downtime.

Blend AI with your UI and workflows
An Alan AI agent is embedded directly into website and app, blending in with your UI and workflows. Maintain a coherent user experience to improve customer satisfaction and engagement.
Build once, run everywhere
With Alan AI, you only create a conversational experience once and run it on multiple targets. Enhance operational efficiency and maintain consistency across all of your deployments.

Searching for AI innovations?
Dive into the Alan AI Platform to move your business forward
What makes Alan AI
All-in-one development suite
Platform-agnostic design
Ease of adoption and use
Tailored customization
Advanced analytics
Advanced documentation
Unleash the power
of GenAI
Request a demonstration and change the user journey today